Thursday afternoon on May 7th, I was checked into labor and delivery for watery discharge. I was then hooked up to the non stress tested and it was showing I was having contractions every 6-7 minutes; however I was not feeling them at all. The nurse gave me a shot called Terbutaline to stop the contractions. They also did a strip test to see if any amniotic fluid has been leaking and the result was negative. After about 3 hours, they released me. They said the babies are doing fine and not showing any signs of stress. Overnight the watery discharge became worst and I called my Dr. Friday morning. He then sent me back to L & D to get checked out. Dr did a speculum test to see if my membrane has ruptured. Sure enough it did and I was about 1 cm dilated. He said my water has broken and his goal was to have me stay pregnant as long as he can. He told me it could be less than 24 hours, a few days, or even a few weeks, but I was not leaving until the babies were born.
I then called Jeremy to tell him what the Dr said. He was actually turkey hunting that morning and had to stop and rush back to Indy to be with me. However, I had him go home at first and pack my hospital bag. The Dr. gave me a steroid shot to help the babies lungs mature faster since they will be coming pre-term. Soon the nurses hooked me up to IV’s, non stress test monitors, gave me all the hospital bands to wear, and it was all becoming real that I am going to be having my babies soon. The nurses would check on me every hour and everything was going well with me and the babies. There were still no painful contractions all morning or early afternoon. Things did change around 3pm. I was starting to feel contractions and the pain that went along with it. One of the Drs came in and said I was having contractions every 5 minutes now, though I was not feeling them all. She also checked my cervix and I became 2 cm dilated. Dr. then proceeded to tell me that I was in active labor and if I do become 3 cm dilated within the next few hours, the c-section will be performed. Around 5pm, the Dr. came back to check me and I was now 3cm. She then told me it was time. All these thoughts were going through my head. I am actually having these babies! Dr. told me it will be within 30min to an hour and the surgery will be performed. It was about 15 minutes and the nurses came in to get Jeremy and I ready. Around 5:45pm they rolled me out to perform the c-section. It was go time!
At 6:46 on May 9th, Jalen Lee was born weighing 4lbs 4 oz, 17 inches long. Then at 6:48, Landon Ross was born weighing 4lbs 10 oz, 18 inches long. Both had healthy cries and they looked beautiful! It was such a moment seeing them for the first time! I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them and just wanted to hold them, but I couldn’t. I am glad Jeremy got some pictures of them up to me, so I can see their beautiful faces. This was the best Mother’s Day gift I could have received!
Jalen Lee
Landon Ross
I just can't say Congratulations enough! Both of your boys look wonderful, and I'm so happy for you!!!
Congratulations momma!! I'm so happy for you :-) The boys are beautiful!! I hope you're recovering from your c/s nicely! xo
I am so excited for you guys...Glad you and the babies are doing great. Can't wait to spoil them :)
I am so excited for you guys...Glad you and the babies are doing great. Can't wait to spoil them :)- Auntie Jennifer :)
Congratulations, Sarah - they are such beautiful boys!!!
Congratulations!! They look just perfect!! Is it me, or does Jalen already favor Jeremy?!
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