Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Looking Back

What an amazing year 2009 has been! Jeremy and I welcomed two handsome boys, Jalen and Landon. They have changed my world and I am so happy to be their mommy. It's amazing how much things can change over a year. Lets look back and reflect.

Last December this time I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time and entered into my 2nd trimester. I still at this point did not know I was expecting twins. Here is a belly pic from last December when I was 13 weeks.

January 2009- On January 23, we found out that we were having twins! Twin boys! I will never forget this day when we found out during our first ultrasound. We had so many emotions going through our head.

Here is Jalen

Here is Landon

Belly at 19 weeks

February- Babies weighed 1lb and 2oz.

Here is Jalen


Belly at 22 weeks

March- Jordan was able to see the babies on the ultrasound for the first time. He really didn't know what to think, but he was excited at the same time.


Landon looking at us and his long leg

Belly at 24 weeks

April- Both babies weighed 3lbs and 15oz by the end of the month. I also had my baby shower in April and we received so many gifts from family and friends.

Jalen at 28 weeks

Landon at 28 weeks

Baby shower pictures


Last belly picture before Landon and Jalen were born. Here I am at 31 weeks.

May 9th at 6:46pm weighing in at 4lbs 4oz and 17in, Jalen Lee was born.

At 6:48pm weighing in at 4lbs 4 oz and 18in, Landon Ross was born.

June- June 3rd was the day we have been waiting for! After 3 weeks being in the NICU, Jalen and Landon came home!

July- Had their first trip to Chicago to visit family.





December- Since I did not get around to post about our holidays, I will post a lot of pictures here. :-)

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

All 3 boys are so handsome! Jalen & Landon have gotten so big :-) The time is flying!