Thursday, February 25, 2010


Jalen and Landon are getting more into playing with each other than just taking away each others toy. I love watching them interact and just play quietly and nice. They are really good at independent play too. Here are some pictures this week playing.

Playing with big brother, Jordan

Jalen playing with the paper at the doctors

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our week

Landon and Jalen are moving across the living room at high speeds now. It gets tough trying to catch one and then get the other before he gets into something. When mommy wants a break, I place one in the walker and one in the jumperoo. I have to do this now if I am wanting to get chores down around the house. I can not leave them unattended for more than 3 seconds. They love exploring outside of the living room.

Landon is my little "walker." He LOVES to walk when of course assisted by my hands. He is really fast and has the idea going, just not the balance. If any guesses, he will be the one who walks first. They are eating more solids now and less bottles. Jalen especially enjoys finger food. Last week the boys were weighed and measured. Monday is their 9 month check up and get weighed again, but here are the stats from last week. Jalen is 20lbs 28 inches and Landon is 18lbs, 27 inches. I can't believe how big they are now.

Here are some pictures that I took during the week.

Here are my 3 favorite boys

DJ Jalen(He got a hold of daddy's turtle beach headphones)

Pilot Landon

Jalen enjoying his sippy and walker

Jalen and Landon playing with Jackson. Jackson loves the boys

Happy Jalen ready to eat

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9 months old!

I can't believe I am saying that Jalen and Landon are 9 months old now! Time is flying by and it seems like yesterday that we brought them home. Now they can drink out of a sippy cup, go from the sitting position to crawl, "talking" more and more (especially saying dada, nonstop), almost outgrowing 18mos footed pjs, pulling themselves up, and building a stronger balance standing with help.

Landon LOVES to chase Hunter around. If he is on the floor, he likes to catch his tail. Today he was in his walker and chasing Hunter around the kitchen. I was cracking up! Jalen can eat a whole container of puffs if I let him. He LOVES those things. After finishing what I gave him, he will reach for more and make an "ughhhh mmmm" sound.
Jalen is having a bad hair day

Landon is posing for the camera

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bath time fun!

Jalen and Landon LOVE taking baths! Especially now that they are out of the baby tub. They will just splash away and play with their bath toys.

Jalen is smiling at his big brother Jordan who was dancing for him.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pushing up and "new mommy"

Both boys have been wanting/trying to push themselves up. I put the legs on their leap frog table and they loved standing up to play. When I would put them to sit and play, they both whined wanting to stand up again. They are controlling their balance very well, but they can not do this for a long period of time just yet.

And... Here is my new haircut. It is something totally different that I usually get. I love it!

Thanks mom for treating me to my new cut and highlights. Love you!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hide n go seek

You gotta love the static on this one :-)

Jalen loves to crawl under things. His favorite spots are the bouncer, swing, and jumperoo. It cracks me up because he will play underneath the toy and push the seat up.

Also here is a pic of them on my birthday! :-)