Some of the other moms on my local board have used this format for updates. So I have decided to use it too.
Age- 2 years
Weight- Jalen- 29lbs, Landon- 25lbs. I do not have my paper with me to know the exact weight.
Height- Both are 35 inches
Size- Both are in 24mos/2T and in a size 5 diaper. Landon however still fits better in an 18 month pants, but they are getting too short. He has no butt.
Hair- Jalen-4th haircut; Landon-3rd
Teeth- They have all of their teeth, but their 2 year molars. I believe Landon is getting his because he is constantly drooling and having fingers way back.
Sleeping- We have been lucky with this since they were 6 weeks old. Rockstars!
Eating- They both LOVE food. Landon is eating much better now since his tubes surgery. Landon's favorites are all fruits especially raspberries, pasta, green beans, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and raisins. Jalen's favorites is bread! This kid LOVES bread! He also likes fruit, no veggies, pasta, and pretzels.
Movement- I can't keep up! They are constantly running, jumping, spinning. They both love to dance. Jalen is my dare devil and enjoys standing on furniture and jumping off. Both are able to climb the rails to the slides. They are also becoming pros going up and down the stairs with out help.
Milestones- Talking more and more in sentences. Having a real back to back conversation with them. Landon likes to answer "what" when we say his name. LOL They love to sing songs, count, and sing their ABC's. We are paci free! We took them away cold turkey on their birthday. It went really well. Too perfect actually.
Favorite toys/activities- Trucks, trains, puzzles...They both love to dance and jump around. Landon is obsessed with the park!
Dislikes - Not being able to play outside when it has been raining.
Words - They have too many! Over 150. They are talking in sentences and putting more words together now.
Yesterday we had their 2 month well care visit and everything went great. No shots, so that made both kids happy. They are doing everything they are suppose to be doing developing. Today we had their birthday party and had a wonderful time. The weather was perfect too! Thank you to all who made Jalen and Landon's day so special.
The shirts my friend Katrina made the boys. I LOVED them!
Their new tricycles!
The birthday cake that my good friend's cousin made.
Jalen getting shy when everyone started singing to him. Landon LOVED it!
Landon actually snuck up behind me as I was passing around cake and he grabbed a big bite. I missed it with my camera. However as always, Jalen followed and did the same thing. LOL
Presents time! Jalen LOVES opening gifts and knew exactly what it meant when I said presents!
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