Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Whoa park!"

I always know when I find a good park when I hear Jalen and Landon shouting in the back seat "WHOA! That's a big park!" or "Whoa! Look at that park!" They love going to the park! They enjoy to climb, run, swin, and go down the big slides. Some parks make me nervous when Jalen and Landon have no fear on climbing on some of the stuff there. Since fall is aproaching, there will not be much park time left until next spring. Need to enjoy it while we can.

Jalen driving the "truck."
Landon checking out the little girl.

Landon was asking me "where did the girl go?"

Loves to run and chase.

They can do this for hours!

They love each other!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Jalen and Landon LOVE to help! They enjoy helping around the house. However, when it comes to them, they want to be independent. Jalen especially wants to get dressed, put on socks and shoes, comb his hair, and even sometimes wiping his butt all on his own. I always step in on the butt wiping part. LOL
They love getting the dog's food and water.

When they make a mess, they grab the mop and broom.

After doing chores, he likes to watch Chuggington.

Jalen cheesing for the camera. Ignore the unmatching Pjs. Jalen decided to take off his pants and pee on them instead of the potty. :-)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pictures of my brother's return

With all the flight delays, we were all just hanging out at my parents. It was amusing that my parents had no idea who was going to walk through their door later in the evening. My grandparents came down from Chicago to visit with the kids, but also to see Matt. They were in on the surprise too. Here are some pictures from that day.

Julie and Jalen

They love playing with the blocks. More like stacking them and building houses. Landon stopped for a peek at the camera.
Would you like some salt?

What do you do with a line of blocks??

You ram it with a toy!

He's home!!!!
Jalen loved wearing the boots.

Soldier Jordan

Today my mom is throwing a "welcome back" BBQ. I will have lots of pictures to share I am sure. Stay tuned.

My brother surprising mom

My brother is home from Iraq on his 2 week R&R. My mom had no idea he was coming home. It was a great surprise that my brother, sister, and I pulled off. Welcome home Matt!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Some pictures

I have been a major slacker updating my blog. I have been really busy at work and at home. Here are some pictures. Enjoy.